Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Strausberg Picks the Buick Open

Slocum-Been quite hot lately. And he's first in proximity to the hole.
Mize-You know I like to go a little agressive on CBS. But Mize has won here and cashed in all six of his recent starts here including 4 Top 26 finishes. Why not?
Streelman-He's been white hot lately.

Verplank-He won in 98 and has cashed in each of the last eight years at the Buick, including a T-5 last year and T-4 the year before. He's accurate off the tee (6th) and is 1st on tour in proximity to the hole in approaches from 125-150 yards (he's 4th in overall proximity).
(But it is tearing me up not being able to take Snedeker here. I am VERY tempted....)

Mark Wilson-Looking to save some guys. He hasn't missed too many cuts this year and wanted at least one local guy. He's the only one I found.
Rocco Mediate-He won here in 2000 and losing to Tiger in OT aint bad for your last appearance.
O'Hearn-Hoping to steal some points here on my leaguemates. I like him to do well this tournament. Lets just call it a hunch.

Mediate-I might have consider Quinney and/or Leonard for above as well, either way it was going to cost me at least a combined 39 for my top 3. Didn't love too many options closer to 11 anyway. The one I considered was Billy Mayfair, because he had the course record but that felt even more agressive than Rocco. So I went with the sentimental pick....

Mark Strausberg has been playing fantasy sports since back when Jose Canseco was a first round fantasy pick and not a 'best-selling author'. Mark's work has appeared in newspapers, magazines, and of course the He wishes he could play golf as well as his analyzes it, but he has also been known to suffer from "paralysis by analysis". Mark would also like to thank the Hooker for this opportunity, but he's worried that his wife might find out and not understand. If you want to let him know what an idiot he is, drop him a line at

1 comment:

mrbdb said...

Glad to see you guys are back. Enjoy your picks.
